Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Hey Fatty!

Got your attention with that, eh? A few years back a good friend went to weight watchers and she lost quite a few pounds, and kept it off. Seeing her looking solidly awesome made me think about losing weight. Time passed...

Next, my wife lost a few as she wanted to look great for our wedding, and boy, did she ever. More time passes...

After several visits to my doc, he tells me I absolutely have to lose weight or else I will no longer be borderline for diabetes type two, I *will* have it. 

Fast forward to another friend who lost nearly 70 pounds. She showed me her "fat" pictures, and said how weight watchers helped her. She has kept off weight for nearly 4 years now....more time passes.

Finally, the last straw, another friend loses weight, and is actively attending meetings. She will go to our meetings instead of where she has been going. And with this...game on.

I went to my first meeting, and they provided me a point calculator, a basic list of foods, and an intro into this whole thing. It has been wonderful thus far, and they have taught me SO much. I have been religiously tracking my foods since Friday morning, and already I feel better. I also don't feel hungry in the least -- it's interesting to see what I have been putting in ye olde body all these years. 

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