You can actually pay for this alarm cloock service in Japan. Angel would love this one...
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Bellingham Electronic Arts Festival
Originally uploaded by dj_diem.
I was asked again to play for Boogie Universal. I've said it before, I'll say it again: I LOVE playing for the boogie crew. *Everyone* dances. They are truly there for the music, and it is so much fun to see a full dancefloor at 9:30pm! YAY BOOGIE!
The pic is taken by my fiancee Angel, and it looks great on a big monitor.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Hive Mind Halloween
Originally uploaded by dj_diem.
How on Earth could I miss this gig? Sheesh....shame on me. Once again Hive Mind blew our minds. Through a combination with Youngstown Arts Center, they raised nearly $10,000 for Room to Read. DjML ( and I played a 3 hour 2x4, going form tribal to latoin to progressive to breaks. Nice one brother, nice one!
Pics under the Flickr account under Hive Mind Halloween below and to the right.
Monday, November 06, 2006
SeaCompression 2k6
Originally uploaded by espressobuzz.
Seacompression is our annual Burning Man regional event here in Seattle. Attended by close to 1500 people, this years event went off without a hitch! Take a look at the photos by clicking on the links to your right ------->
Monday, October 09, 2006
live with mutaytor...what a birthday!
Originally uploaded by dj_diem.
Pics from the night
This went better than I could ever hope for. The opening was awesome, and I got to play not only the brand new stuff, but also dug deep into the old crates for some deep house from back in the day....then as the show started, I scratched in samples of JFK speeches, Spider Man stories, and other sample records. It was an excellent performance by those cats, and many asked if we had ever performed together before. We hadn't at that point, it was all live. I look forward to making more music together when we play together when they return.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
me in 3D
Originally uploaded by espressobuzz.
Not to be narcissistic, but having a pic of yourself in 3D is pretty cool. Thanks Hank! Just cross your eyes until you see a middle pic in 3D...
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Upcoming Birthday...and 13th anniversary.

So this saturday is my birthday....I'm getting up there in years. I also mark the date as my 13th year of dj'ing. I am delighted to open for the legendary playa band Mutaytor and also play with during the show. I'll post to the blog from the show...
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
6ixth Burning Man
Originally uploaded by dj_diem.
Burning Man, as always, was fun. I played Lemuria from 11-1am on friday night, and as with all camps sometimes you have 1 guy, sometimes 100, sometimes 1000. I loved this set in particular because I kept the one guy going for a while, then at midnight played the one song that I knew would get a grip of people on the dancefloor: Neilk Diamond's "America". Tee hee, only at Burning Man.
Saturday morning after the set I placed the ashes of my friend Nathan Esch in the base of the man. Then later that night I proposed to my long-time girlfriend Angel. She said "Yes!"....thanks dog.
Saturday, August 26, 2006
HempFest 2006
Originally uploaded by dj_diem.
This was the view from the DJ Tent. This between sets -- unfortunately for DJ Jimmini Cricket, it was a bit hot. She was playing in direct sunlight, and her records were warping badly.
Michael Manahan moved the table in a bit, so i could play in the shade.
Monday, August 14, 2006
Originally uploaded by dj_diem.
I just played my best event in close to three years -- Flowmotion's 6th Annual Summer Meltdown. It is a *huge* hippie hoe-down, to the tune of nearly 50 Jam Bands. Erik Moore, founder and head of Boogie Universal, brought a dance dome last year, and was invited back to program and run a dance tent.
Not just a tent, THE tent: 9,000 sq ft, holding over 600 people.
Here's some pics:
The pic above is my aforementioned set--this was my view. Erik booked me for the 4:30 am slot, but as chance would have it all dj's by the name of Brandon failed to show (ha!) and Alex's (Ursula 1000) plane was late. Erik came over, and asked me if I was willing to play early. I said "Let me get this straight: You want to have the March 4th Marching band lead in close to 600 people in this tent direct from the headline hippie band of the night, play right after KJ Sawka's live drum and bass set, with a full tent? Umm.....sure *grin* "
Erik smiled back, and the night begun. Later the security guy said he counted over 600 people, with close to another 100 outside who couldn't get in.
The set went flawlessly, and was nothing short of insane. The next morning I saw the roof of the tent, and it was wet. I asked Erik what it was, and he said it was condensation -- from dancing.
I got to meet and camp with Etienne (Rithma from OM records), who is a funny guy. Check out his ass in my pics...Anywho, I am playing Hempfest this Saturday (thank to Michael Manahan).
Thursday, August 10, 2006
This past weekend in Bellingham
Heres the girlfriend and i at a friends house this past weekend. The times were golden.
Monday, July 24, 2006
The beginning...or the end?

So the time has come, and this is just the beginning. For years I swore off blogging, but now I bought a phone (european sony ericcson, because American models of euro phones are weakened for some reason) that has a 2MP camera *in it*, and can email directly from the phone both pics and text. So now that technology has caught up.....I will begin.
So I've been resistant to blogs for years, but this one won't be one of those lame whiney journals of life, where people can backstab and mention initials (OMG! Like did you see what T.F. was wearing? She looked like such a ho!). I'm a rather positive person, and this will be my journey. That and i'm gigging a lot, and after 13 years of dj'ing I think a nice record of all these gigs might be a nice idea -- lest I forget how much fun I was having ;-).
I am in progress of doing a HUGE revamp of my website, with the fabulous Clara Todd ( as the back end developer. Part of the will be this site revamp wil be this blog. Yay...and shit.